Feeding Therapy

At Recess Therapy, we combine various intervention strategies and techniques to help children and adolescents develop proper swallowing and sensory motor skills. We understand that feeding challenges can vary widely, and each child may exhibit unique signs and symptoms. For instance, some children may require a gastrostomy tube for nutrition, while others may be selective eaters, making mealtimes stressful for the family. Issues such as poor muscle coordination, respiratory difficulties, and sensory processing problems can affect chewing, and medical conditions like GERD or hypersensitive gag reflex can cause vomiting.

Our feeding clinic, led by skilled speech and occupational therapists, focuses on parent education and consistent support to:

  1. Teach proper mealtime behavior.

  2. Improve oral motor skills and coordination.

  3. Develop effective chewing techniques.

  4. Decrease food-related fears.

  5. Learn proper swallowing techniques.

  6. Increase tolerance for a variety of foods.

  7. Accept foods of different textures, scents, and flavors.

Feeding Red Flag Signs: (Including but not limited to)

  1. Gags at the sight or smell of food.

  2. Refuses table foods.

  3. Refuses baby food.

  4. Spits up food often.

  5. Not feeding themselves by 18 months.

  6. Only eats with distractions.

  7. Does not mouth toys or does so with poor control.

  8. Coughs or has watery eyes when drinking or eating.

  9. A toddler unable to chew and requiring mashed food.

  10. Tongue thrusting.

  11. Tongue tie.

  12. Low postural and facial tone.

At Recess Therapy, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive feeding therapy to help children overcome their feeding challenges, ensuring they can enjoy mealtimes and achieve their nutritional goals.