Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy at Recess Therapy uses exercises, activities, strategies, and accommodations to help children develop the skills they need for greater independence. Early intervention is key, as the sooner a child starts OT, the more effective it tends to be. Occupational therapy can help children improve concentration, complete schoolwork successfully, and gain self-confidence by mastering tasks independently.

Does Your Child Need Occupational Therapy?

Consider OT if your child has difficulties with:

  • Self-Care or Activities of Daily Living: Challenges with brushing teeth, buttoning clothes, or using eating utensils.

  • Hand-Eye Coordination: Struggles with writing on a classroom whiteboard or copying notes from the board.

  • Fine Motor Skills: Difficulty grasping and controlling a pencil or using scissors.

  • Gross Motor Skills: Trouble performing jumping jacks or maintaining core muscle strength for proper sitting posture.

  • Motor Planning and Organization: Issues with planning and executing movements.

  • Sensory Processing: Over- or under-reacting to sensory input, making sensory experiences uncomfortable.

  • Picky Eating: Limited food choices and difficulty with eating a variety of foods.

Our program currently includes the following therapeutic models:

  • Ayres Sensory Integration (ASI)

  • Handwriting Without Tears

  • SOS Approach to Feeding

  • Beckman Oral Motor Protocol

  • Baby Led Weaning

  • DIR Floortime

  • The Zones of Regulation

  • The Alert Program

  • Brain Gym

Call us to learn about additional programs not listed here and get specific information tailored to your child's needs. At Recess Therapy, we are committed to helping children achieve their fullest potential through comprehensive and individualized occupational therapy.