Speech Therapy

At Recess Therapy, our pediatric speech therapy focuses on individualized assessments and effective therapy techniques tailored to each child's unique needs. We thoroughly evaluate each child's strengths and areas for improvement, examining all aspects of speech and language development. This includes oral/motor/sensory systems, articulation (pronunciation of sounds), fluency (speech speed and smoothness), voice/resonance, and overall language skills such as vocabulary, language memory, receptive and expressive language, and language complexity.

Based on our initial assessment, we develop measurable treatment plans and provide appropriate recommendations. We also collaborate with various service team members, including developmental-behavioral pediatricians, dietitians, occupational therapists, and physical therapists.

Our Speech and Language Therapy focuses on, but is not limited to:

  1. Theme-based lessons appropriate for each age group.

  2. Implementation of skills essential for learning, including sitting, attending, listening, and turn-taking.

  3. Use of oral motor, tactile, and developmental models for speech development.

  4. Play-based strategies that focus on the sensory nervous system.

  5. Weekly parent education for home program implementation.

  6. Whole body learning approaches.

  7. Effective evidence-based techniques for articulation, voice, fluency, and language.

  8. Strategies to reduce drooling.

At Recess Therapy, we are dedicated to helping children develop their speech and language skills through fun, engaging, and evidence-based methods.